Significant evolutions in the past decade have transformed surgery as we know it. OSF Saint Francis Medical Center is committed to providing superior patient care and being a leader in health care excellence and innovation. We have made it our Mission to provide our patients with advanced minimally invasive surgical options, allowing patients to get back to their everyday lives as quickly as possible.
The da Vinci Xi System is the latest addition to the da Vinci product line. It was designed with the goal of further advancing the technology used in minimally invasive surgery.
By enabling efficient access throughout the abdomen or chest, the da Vinci Xi System expands upon core da Vinci System features, including wristed instruments, 3D-HD visualization, intuitive motion, and an ergonomic design. As with all da Vinci Surgical Systems, the surgeon is 100% in control of the robotic-assisted da Vinci System, which translates his/her hand movements into smaller, more precise movements of tiny instruments inside the patient’s body. The Xi System’s 3D-HD vision system provides surgeons a highly magnified view, virtually extending their eyes and hands into the patient.