OSF Saint Paul Medical Center

Dining Options

Visitors can explore a variety of healthy and delicious meal choices while also accessing resources for managing specific dietary requirements, enhancing the overall dining experience at OSF Saint Paul Medical Center.

Prairie Cafe

The Prairie Cafe is open for food purchases from 6 a.m until 6:00 p.m. A continental breakfast is available until 10 a.m. Lunch is served from 11:30 to 1:30 p.m. Hot foods, including soup, as well as a salad bar are available during lunch time. Cold sandwiches, salads, desserts, fruit, chips, and other items are also available for purchase throughout the day.

The Cafe accepts cash or debit/credit card. For your convenience, an ATM is located in the hallway just outside of the Prairie Cafe.


Vending machines are located in the Prairie Cafe Dining Room. The dining room, including the tables, coffee machine, and vending machines is accessible 24/7. The doors to the serving line close each day at 6:30 p.m.

Room Service

Patients at OSF Saint Paul may order meals throughout the day as part of our room service program. Requests for room service are taken from 7 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. with breakfast items available all day and lunch/supper items available starting at 11 a.m. Meals are delivered to patient rooms within 30-45 minutes. Family members or the nurse can assist patients who are unable to call for their own meal. Patients on therapeutic diets (diabetic, cardiac, soft, liquid) may not be allowed all of the items on the menu. The dietary staff will assist patients with their order and offer substitutions if an item is not allowed due to the diet that the physician has ordered.