Education and Career Support

A diagnosis of cancer is a life-altering event. Often the patient is removed from their school or career and may be too sick to attend or complete the work.

The education and career support program provides academic and career support at the time of diagnosis with periodic checks throughout the patient’s treatment and beyond.

At times, students require an IEP (Individual Education Plan) or 504 plan to receive full access to educational services within the school system. IEPs are designed to support learning and provide services under one of the thirteen disability categories, and 504 plans provide accommodations for individuals with mental or physical disabilities. These plans empower the school to provide supported learning, tools and resources, and accommodations necessary to make students successful.

Scholarship information is provided for those wishing to further their education. Career planning and support resources/referrals are offered as well.

Services provided by our Pediatric Outpatient Education Coordinator include:

  • Help in understanding, developing, and advocating for appropriate educational support plans, such as 504 plans and IEPs
  • Assistance with review of school documentation, including IEPs, 504 plans, evaluations, and progress reports
  • Acting as an advocate for patients during 504 and IEP meetings to ensure appropriate educational planning
  • Arranging tutoring for homebound students through the school district
  • Education regarding the late effects of survivors
  • Referral for neurocognitive assessments through our clinic
  • Scholarship and academic support letters
  • Assistance with college and trade school preparation
  • Career readiness services, such as assistance with applications and resume building
  • Scholarship and financial aid information for those interested in attending college, technical, or vocational training