OSF Little Company of Mary Medical Center


OSF Little Company of Mary Medical Center gained national attention in 1950 when surgeons made history by performing the world's first human organ transplant.

Types of Surgery

Bariatric Surgery
The OSF Little Company of Mary Bariatric Surgery Center is committed to high standards of quality for its surgical procedures as well as the complete lifestyle assistance that must accompany them. To find out if you are a candidate and to learn more about Bariatric Surgery and the different surgical options available at our center please visit our Bariatric Surgery page.

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Inpatient Surgery
For procedures that require recovery time at OSF Little Company of Mary, we offer a highly skilled, compassionate and experienced team of professionals who work very well together. OSF Little Company of Mary’s surgical capabilities remain relevant with dedicated expert surgeons performing minimally invasive, life-saving procedures that reduce surgery and recovery times, such as hernias, colorectal, laparoscopic, hemorrhoids, cysts, gall stones and more.

While a loved one is in surgery, you may wait in our dedicated Surgery Reception Area, where you may read, enjoy a complimentary cup of coffee and receive updates from your team of health care professionals. In addition, you may encounter one of our trained volunteers who frequently will sit and help you pass the time, if you choose their assistance. Our Pastoral Care Department also is available to pray with you and offer you comfort during your wait.

Helpful questions for your physician

It is important to be an informed patient. All surgeries have both risks and benefits and the staff at OSF Little Company of Mary want to make sure that you are well aware of both when deciding what health care option is right for you. We encourage patients to engage in an open dialogue with their physicians about any questions and/or concerns before his/her surgery. We have listed a few questions below to help you with your conversation.

  • What is the operation being recommended?
  • Why is it necessary?
  • Is there an alternative to surgery?
  • What are the benefits to surgery?
  • What are the risks?
  • What happens if I choose not to have the surgery?
  • Should I get a second opinion?
  • How many of these surgeries have you performed in the last year?
  • Where will the surgery be performed?
  • Will I stay in the hospital or go home the same day of surgery?
  • Should I continue to take my medications on the day of surgery?
  • Will there be anesthesia? If so, what kind?
  • Is there anything the anesthesiologist needs to know about me/my family history?
  • What activity restrictions will I have after surgery?
  • How much will the surgery cost me?
  • How can I prepare for my recovery at home? (food, special equipment)
  • Can my allergies or the medications/supplements I take affect my surgery?
    *Patients should have a written list of allergies, daily medications and all supplements taken.
Outpatient Surgery
Located in our beautiful Heritage Corridor, our One Day Surgery Department is a convenient way to take care of surgical procedures that don't require an overnight stay. We offer convenient options for same-day surgery as well as thorough education for follow-up care at home. Having your outpatient surgery at OSF Little Company of Mary Hospital offers you peace of mind that you have the support of our comprehensive services.

The state-of-the-art operating advancements provided in the newly renovated operating suites include integrated connectivity along PACS, which is a cutting-edge technology that provides a live, high resolution imaging feed to the surgical team throughout operation.

Access to imaging at the operative field allows surgeon to increase patient safety and help the team to deliver highest level of surgical care. Additionally, the new suites also include: new ceiling-mounted surgical lights for lighting optimization, display monitors with equipment and service booms in each operating room designed to support the surgical team in providing optimal patient care, and enhanced HVAC, medical gas, electric, and communication systems.

OSF Little Company of Mary consistently demonstrates our commitment to delivering safer care with a lower rate of complications while giving you a better chance of success and a happier, healthier life ahead.
Robotic Surgery
OSF Little Company of Mary offers patients a minimally-invasive approach to surgery using the da Vinci Si Surgical System.

When it comes to any aspect of healthcare, experience makes all the difference. OSF Little Company of Mary has had an established robotic surgery program for nearly a decade. Not only are the board-certified urologists and gynecologists experienced, but so is the surgical team who assist with these cases. OSF Little Company of Mary has the da Vinci Si Surgical System, which is the most current technology available. Launched in April 2009, the da Vinci Si introduces several enabling features, including an enhanced high-definition 3-D vision for superior clinical capability.

da Vinci Surgical SuiteIndustry leaders at the Regional Robotics Center offer patients in Chicago’s southwest area a minimally invasive approach, using of state-of-the-art robotic technology. The surgical robot allows surgeons to perform complex surgeries through tiny openings. The surgeon has the benefit of greater visualization and control of the instruments. The patient typically enjoys a shorter hospital stay, less blood loss, minimal scarring and an earlier return to full activities.

We are among a very small group of surgeons in the United States to use fluorescence technology in robotic-assisted kidney surgery. The Regional Robotics Center at OSF Little Company of Mary was the first non-academic hospital in Illinois to perform a groundbreaking robotic surgical procedure using a new technology called fluorescence imaging. Fluorescence imaging used in the da Vinci Si Surgical System offers real-time, image-guided identification of key anatomical landmarks using near-infrared technology.

The enhanced imaging guidance system incorporates a green-colored dye called Indocyanine Green (ICG) and is used for identifying renal blood vessels and selectively clamping arteries during kidney-sparing surgery. Some patients believe that they must go to a university hospital to get such an innovative treatment option, but the truth is that OSF Little Company of Mary has brought the most advanced surgical options for urology and gynecology right to the community it serves.

Advantages of Robotic Surgery

Compared to conventional laparoscopic surgery using a long incision, robotic surgery gives the surgeon a new level of vision, precision, dexterity, and control. This allows the patient and surgeon to achieve better surgical outcomes. This is especially critical in complex surgeries involving the prostate or a woman's reproductive organ. Robotic surgery offers patients many potential benefits over traditional surgery, including:

  • Less post-operative pain and discomfort than traditional surgeries
  • Shorter hospital stay - Patients resume normal activities within a week compared to six weeks with traditional surgery
  • Smaller incisions - which means smaller and less noticeable scarring
  • Higher accuracy rate: Because of the use video-assisted equipment, the surgeon has better visualization and magnification of internal organs and structure
  • Fewer complications
  • Less blood loss
  • Low risk of wound infection
  • Quicker recovery and return to normal activities

Types of Robotic Surgeries

  • Gynecological
  • Pelvic Prolapse
  • Fibroids
  • Endometriosis
  • Urological
  • Prostate
  • Kidney