From a broken leg to a serious medical diagnosis, we rely on quality radiology services. Our team of eight radiologists is headed by Irving Fuld, M.D. , who is ranked among Chicago Magazine's list of best doctors.
Our Diagnostic Imaging Department, with the help of state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging tools, can produce detailed images of the inside of the body giving physicians an additional diagnostic tool for treating their patients. And the best part, imaging can often eliminate the need for more invasive diagnostic procedures and multiple tests.
Our goals are to provide the highest quality imaging services with an ample appointment schedule and reporting of the results in less than 36 hours. We offer the same efficiency and patient convenience of a freestanding outpatient facility with the bonus of valet parking.
Special Procedure hours are Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Appointments are scheduled through an ordering physician.
We offer PACS, or Picture Archiving and Communication System, using FUJI Synapse PACS equipment. This will provide instant access to images on any physician computer with internet access, as well as on computers throughout the Hospital. The system will use the Virtual Private Network, a password-protected website requiring high-speed access. Dial-up systems cannot use VPN. Please contact Erin Hosty at (708) 229-5670, or e-mail Erin at for information.
Our highly trained, caring professionals offer all routine CT imaging with conventional/spiral CT scanning technique, computed tomographic angiography, pulmonary embolization studies and 3-D reconstruction capability through our 40-slice Phillips CT scanner. We also offer vascular ultrasound, including full-service upper and lower extremity, venous and arterial duplex doppler examination and arterial pressure measurements and duplex carotid doppler examinations. In addition, ultrasound includes general body imaging, obstetrics and breast imaging.
The Diagnostic Imaging Department now offers PET/CT scanning. PET/CT scan images are different than those images from more conventional radiology studies, such as X-ray, CT, ultrasound, or MRI. These routine radiology procedures produce images of the body's anatomy or structure. The PET/CT scan, however, shows how the body's organs function. PET/CT scans replace numerous tests and long waits for results. In a single examination, physicians can look at every organ system in the body. The PET/CT scan provides two- and three-dimensional landscapes of the body including any tumors present.
We will fax reports to your physician's office if the doctor provides the office fax number. Diagnostic Imaging hours are 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. seven days a week.
To schedule an appointment for Diagnostic Imaging, please call Central Scheduling (708) 499-8550 Monday thru Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.