OSF Saint James - John W. Albrecht Medical Center

Spiritual Support

Experience compassionate spiritual support at OSF HealthCare Saint James. Our dedicated team offers guidance, comfort, and prayer services to support your emotional and spiritual well-being during your stay.

Pastoral Care

Chapel The Pastoral Care staff is available Monday through Friday during normal business hours and during the evening and weekends as available for patient visits, family support, crisis assistance, grief support ministry, and prayer.

Just dial "0" from any medical center phone and ask for our pastoral care department.

If you are calling from outside the medical center, you may dial (815) 842-2828, press "0" for the operator, and ask them to contact someone from pastoral care to assist you.


The chapel is located off the main lobby on the first floor.

The chapel is open 24 hours a day for staff, patient, and visitor prayer and meditation.


Catholic Mass will be celebrated every Wednesday at 11:30 a.m.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available before and after Mass.

Deacon David Steeples

Deacon  David SteeplesDeacon Dave graduated from Macomb Senior High School and was ordained to the Permanent Diaconate of the Diocese of Peoria in May 2007. He also completed clinical pastoral education with Lincoln Christian Homes in 2009 and Pontifical College Josephinium in 2010.

Deacon Dave previously served as Pastoral Care Program Manager at OSF St. Mary Medical Center in Galesburg for over 10 years.