
Impella Heart Pump

You may have more treatment options for coronary artery disease thanks to the Impella heart pump. This device supports a weak heart while a doctor opens up blocked arteries. It lets you receive procedures you might not otherwise qualify for — procedures that improve your heart health and quality of life.


What is coronary artery disease?

Your coronary arteries send blood and oxygen to your heart. If plaque (fat) builds up inside them and slows blood flow, you have coronary artery disease. This common type of heart disease causes weakness, shortness of breath, pain in your upper body and other symptoms. Without treatment, the illness may lead to a heart attack.


Heart Disease Treatment and Impella

Doctors often perform cardiology interventions to reduce symptoms and prevent heart attacks. These treatments restore blood flow in less invasive ways than surgery, so the recovery is faster and easier. But if your heart is weak, you may not qualify for interventional treatment without the Impella pump. It keeps blood flowing to your body while a doctor opens your clogged arteries.

What to Expect

You’ll receive treatment from an interventional cardiologist — a heart doctor who treats blocked arteries without surgery. You’ll lie on a table while the cardiologist:

  1. Places a tube in an artery in your upper thigh
  2. Uses the tube to move the small Impella device up to your heart, where it starts pumping blood
  3. Performs an interventional treatment, such as angioplasty
  4. Removes the Impella pump

Improve Your Outcome

When blood flow improves to your heart, you may feel more energetic and have a lower risk of heart attack or heart failure. But you’ll need to take steps to prevent plaque from clogging your arteries again. Cardiac rehabilitation can help you safely strengthen your heart and make healthy lifestyle changes. Lean on your primary care doctor for support to keep your heart and blood vessels healthy over the long term.

Talk to Your Doctor

Call (800) 352-4410 or ask your cardiologist if treatment with the Impella heart pump is right for you.