
GERD/Acid Reflux Surgery

Say goodbye to heartburn and chest pain. You can rest assured minimally invasive GERD and acid reflux surgery at OSF HealthCare is as quick and convenient as possible. Our advanced robot-assisted surgery options can help you feel better faster.


What is GERD/acid reflux?

Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid comes up into your esophagus and throat. GERD stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease and happens when you have acid reflux multiple times a week for weeks or months.

Your stomach acid is powerful and quickly dissolves the food you eat. When it flows up into your throat, it can cause burning and irritation. Over time, this damages your esophagus and throat.

Symptoms of GERD/Acid Reflux

These conditions can cause many different symptoms, including:

  • A cough
  • Backwash, or stomach acid and food coming back up into your throat and mouth
  • Chest pain with or without a burning sensation
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sore throat, which can also include the feeling of a “lump” in your throat
  • Upset stomach, including nausea

Symptoms are usually worse after you:

  • Bend over
  • Drink alcohol
  • Eat a large or greasy meal
  • Eat spicy foods, chocolate, mint or fruit juice
  • Lie down or sleep
  • Smoke

Surgical Treatments

Your doctor may recommend surgery if lifestyle and diet changes, medication and non-surgical treatment don’t control your GERD symptoms. Surgery can repair a weak or damaged lower esophageal sphincter, which keeps stomach acid from rising into your throat. Surgical options include fundoplication and the LINX® device.

Nissen Fundoplication

This procedure wraps your upper stomach around your lower esophagus. It is minimally invasive, which means you'll have less pain and an easier recovery compared to traditional surgery.

Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication (TIF)

TIF is similar to a Nissen fundoplication, but it doesn’t require any incisions or create scar tissue. Instead, the surgeon accesses your esophageal sphincter through your mouth and throat. The stomach is wrapped only part of the way around your esophagus, which leads to even fewer side effects and less recovery time. This procedure is available from physicians at our OSF Medical Group – Gastroenterology location in Peoria, Illinois.

LINX Device

The LINX Reflux Management System is a device that mimics your natural esophageal sphincter. It lets food and drinks flow into your stomach but keeps stomach acid from flowing out. This minimally invasive procedure often uses a surgical robot, so you'll have smaller incisions and a faster recovery.

Schedule a Surgical Consultation

Ask your primary care doctor for a referral to schedule a surgical consultation with the experienced general surgery team at OSF HealthCare. Need a primary care provider? Browse our directory.
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