The time on ECMO depends on how quickly your child’s body recovers. Some kids might need it for a few days, while others could be on it for weeks.
No, ECMO is different from a ventilator. A ventilator helps the lungs by moving air in and out. ECMO goes further by taking over for both the heart and lungs.
In some cases, yes. Depending on their condition, your child might be able to be awake while on ECMO.
Yes, ECMO is a form of life support. It helps when your child’s heart and/or lungs can’t do their job on their own.
Not exactly. ECMO is like a bypass machine but is meant for longer-term use. A bypass machine is used during surgeries for short periods, while ECMO can support your child for days or weeks.
We’re proud that OSF Children’s Hospital is recognized as an ELSO (Extracorporeal Life Support Organization) Center of Excellence for ECMO. We’ve held this honor since 2009, showing our dedication to giving your child the best care. ELSO promotes excellence and exceptional care in ECMO through processes, procedures and systems.
Our experienced team of nurses, doctors, surgeons and specialists work together to make sure your child gets the best support possible. We’re also proud to have earned an ELSO gold medal status for our ECMO care.