When evaluating applicants for the Dietetic Internship program, the following criteria will be utilized:
Application Materials
-Rejected if any materials not included
-Subtract 5 points if letter not in business format
-Subtract 5 points if incorrect # of references or references not from individuals as asked
- Completed information as requested
- Letter is in business format
- Transcripts included
- Verification/Declaration Statement included
- Submitted information in an organized manner
- 3 References (1 from DPD director or senior level professor; 1 from previous employer; 2 of 3 need to be RDs)
- Clear, concise resume
- Virtual Interview Sheet
Application Letter: 20 Points
- Completed information as requested on website
- Personal motivation and good concepts of all fields of dietetics
- Good concepts of all fields of dietetics
- Concise, clear, well-organized, self-expressing, and grammatically correct in business letter format
- Demonstrates good team work, creativity and interpersonal skills
Grades: 24 Points
- Overall grade point average (8 points) Application rejected if lower than 2.8.
- DPD grade point average (12 points)
- Grades show consistent improvement/maintained excellence (2 points)
- Exceeds minimum requirements (i.e. extra courses benefitting dietitians, double major, or advanced degree) (2 points)
- Master's Degree REQUIRED
Work Experience: 27 Points
- Cumulative paid work experience related to clinical or community dietetics more than 380 hours (8 points)
- Cumulative volunteer/practicum experience related to dietetics more than 380 hours (5 points)
- Has a variety of dietetics related work and volunteer experiences (4 points for clinical, 3 points for community, 1 point for food service)
- Cumulative work or volunteer experience not related to dietetics more than 380 hours (2 points)
- Job with higher level of responsibility (i.e. teaching, management, etc.) (4 points)
Extracurricular Activities: 8 Points
- Dietetic related clubs, organizations, special projects, etc.(including position/office held)
- Non-dietetic related clubs/organizations (i.e. fraternity/sorority, athletics, etc)
- Honors and awards
- Relevant certifications (i.e. CITI training, ServSafe)
References: 15 Points
- How well the reference knows the applicant
- Application of knowledge
- Conceptual and analytical decision making skills
- Communication skills
- Interpersonal skills and teamwork
- Leadership ability
- Teamwork
- Confidence, assertiveness, organizational ability, and ability to work independently
Reference Letters: Minus 0-6 Points
- Two points will be subtracted for each reference letter that reveals undesirable intern qualities
Bonus Points: Add or deduct 0-6 Points
- Significant strengths or weaknesses (Plus or minus 0-6 points)