
SilverCloud is a secure, anonymous and interactive platform to help you manage the feelings and causes of depression, anxiety or stress.

This free app is available via phone, tablet or computer and consists of up to seven interactive modules. These include mindfulness exercises, interactive journaling, and mood or lifestyle charting.

Each can be completed in any order, typically over an eight- to 10-week period.

Anyone 18 years old or older living in an area served by OSF HealthCare can enroll in SilverCloud modules.

Available Programs

  • Stress: This program will help enhance existing stress-busting strengths and build new skills such as building resilience, improving self-esteem and problem-solving.
  • Anxiety: This program can help you to manage anxiety and feel better by increasing awareness of your moods and learning techniques to control anxious thoughts.
  • Depression: This program is an effective treatment for people experiencing low mood and depression using practical strategies to tackle unhelpful thoughts, behaviors, unpleasant physical feelings and sometimes difficult emotions associated with depression.
  • Depression and anxiety: For those who have been experiencing symptoms of both depression and anxiety, this program will help you understand the connection between your thoughts, feelings and behaviors while making small changes to boost your mood.

COVID-19 Emotional Support

OSF SilverCloud is also offering the program, “Challenging Times,” for anyone having trouble managing their feelings around COVID-19. If you are signing up for the first time:

  • Register for an account, log-in and complete the screening content
  • Once you've been assigned a coach, click on the 'Coach' tab
  • Click on 'Leave a message for OSF to read' and request access to the "Challenging Times" program

Sign Up for SilverCloud