Pediatric Neurosurgery

pediatric neurosurgeon Jenna Ford, APRN wearing blue latex gloves smiles as she provides care to the head of a young female patient

The OSF HealthCare Illinois Neurological Institute and OSF Children's Hospital of Illinois care for children with conditions like hydrocephalus, Chiari malformations, brain and spinal cord tumors, craniofacial anomalies, epilepsy, congenital/developmental anomalies of the brain and spinal cord, spine disorders, vascular diseases of the brain and spinal cord, concussion/traumatic brain injury and other traumas.

Our two board-certified pediatric neurosurgeons perform highly technical surgeries using state-of-the-art equipment and the most advanced surgical techniques, including use of the only intraoperative MRI in Central Illinois.

We work closely with other pediatric specialists – in neurology, developmental pediatrics, genetics, plastic and reconstructive surgery and rehabilitation medicine – to ensure that each child receives the personalized care they need, from evaluation and diagnosis through follow-up.

Read the story of one amazing patient and her recovery from brain surgery.

clipped image of a linked aticle in the Fall 2016 issue of Children's First magazine highlighting the amazing patient story of Alondra Resendiz-Ayala who recieved care at OSF Children's Hospital

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